Worksheets for Reflection, Brainstorming, and Planning
Steps for Building a Rule of LIfe
Rule of Life Questions
These are worksheet with questions to consider as you are going through the above steps.
Rhythms Brainstorming Pages
These are pages to brainstorm what rhythms you might want to take up generally speaking, and which rhythms you might want to take up specifically throughout the year or the seasons. The Ebb and Flow brainstorm is a simpler way of thinking about rhythms that you might want to consider, as well. This method, developed by Winfield Bevins and Mark Dunwoody, asks you to consider the rhythms that feed your soul, give you rest, and connect you with God (Ebb) and the rhythms that allow you to go out into the world to love God and love neighbor through your work, evangelism, and care of others (Flow).
Rule of Life Planning Pages
If it is helpful, I have provided you with a worksheet for you to write out your Rule of LIfe. You may also choose to write it down in a completely different way, and that is okay.
Also, once you have written your Rule of Life, you may want to come back to it daily, weekly, monthly, or seasonally (depending on your preference) to write down more specifically how you hope to live out your Rule of Life.
Examen Pages
These are pages that contain questions to consider each day, week, month, or season, depending on what regularity you find helpful, to sit down and do some self-reflection. Thay may serve as prompts for times when you want to rewrite your Rule of Life.