Rule of Life Questions Regarding

Roles, Relationships, and Riches

Considering My Roles

What are the main roles in my life and how is God inviting me to best live out these roles?

List all your roles that you play in life (I.e., mother, father, teacher, boss, sister, board member, parent, mentor, etc. etc.)

What are the most important roles that you play?

How would you prioritize these roles and relationships in regards to each other?

Considering my Relationships

How can I nurture the relationships God has given me?

Who are all the people with whom I relate on a regular basis? 

What are the most important relationships in my life? Am I giving adequate attention to these relationships? How best can I nurture these relationships?

Where do I need to set more boundaries with certain relationships? 

Where do I need to create space for certain relationships?

What relationships of mine are the most life-giving and glorifying to God?

Do I have any relationships that are not edifying to God or myself? Are destructive?. What is God’s invitation to me in these relationships?

Do I believe that all people have been created in the image of God?  How does this effect how I interact with all people?

Who is my neighbor? How do I best love them?

Considering My Riches

How has God blessed me? How can I be generous with all that God has given me?  Here we will consider Steve Macchia’s Time, Treasure, Temple, and Talents

General Questions

Do I believe that God is generous towards me and that He will provide even as I give my time and talent, and treasure away?  How can I rest deeply in God’s generosity towards me and all of creation?

Are there any fears I have when it comes to my time, talent, temple, and treasure?

Do I manage my resources or do they manage me?

Questions about Time

What are my priorities in life in relationship to work, family, friends, neighbors, church, and God, etc.?

Is the way I spend my time reflective of those priorities?  

Do I have boundaries in my life so that I can say “yes” to the things that are priorities and “no” to the things that are peripheral/unimportant?

Are there areas in my life where I give too much time? Too little time?   Are their activities in my life God is inviting me to give up (at least for this next season)? 

How am I loving God and neighbor through my time? Am I generous with my time? How can I operate out of a mindset of abundance and be more generous with my time?

How is God calling me to use my time in this next season?

Questions about Treasure

What has God given me? (Money, Home, Possessions). How am I loving God and neighbor through my treasure? 

How am I caring for the treasure that God has given me?

Am I generous with my treasure?  How can I operate out of a mindset of abundance and be more generous with my treasure?  

How is God inviting me to use my treasure in this next season?

Questions about Temple

Am I taking care of myself, “the Temple of the Holy Spirit” – my mind, my body, my emotions, and my soul? 
How has God created me? What aspects of the world, what hobbies or skills, what things delight me? Do I make room for these things in my life?  
How can I better care for myself in all these aspects in this next season?

Questions about Talents

What gifts, talents, skills, and passions has God given me? How am I using them, whether that is in work or an avocation (non-paid work and passion projects)?  I

Are there areas of giftedness I need to grow and develop? How?

What new piece of knowledge or skill may God be inviting me to learn?

How am I loving God and neighbor through my talents? Am I generous with my talents? How can I operate out of a mindset of abundance and be more generous with my talents?

How is God inviting me to use my talents in this next season?

If you would like to write down the answer to these questions, click on the link below.