ACNA Women’s
Leadership Network (NGLI)
Advent Reflection
December 7 2021
Artwork by Ingrid Blixt, Open Journey
Mary and Elizabeth:
Joy and Hope in the Togetherness and Waiting
This content was originally shared in person at the ACNA Connection First Tuesday Women’s Online Gathering. I hope this content may bless you as you seek to enter into some contemplative time with the Lord. Consider having your journal out as you sit with this material.
Scripture Reading
“When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. In a loud voice she exclaimed: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!” - Luke 1:41-4
Poem - “The Visitation” by Malcome Guite
Here is a meeting made of hidden joys
Of lightenings cloistered in a narrow place,
From quiet hearts the sudden flame of praise,
And in the womb the quickening kick of grace.
Two women on the very edge of things
Unnoticed and unknown to men of power,
But in their flesh the hidden Spirit sings
And in their lives the buds of blessing flower.
And Mary stands with all we call ‘too young,’
Elizabeth with all called ‘past their prime.’
They sing today for all the great unsung
Women who turned eternity to time,
Favoured of heaven, outcast on the earth,
Prophets who bring the best in us to birth.
So today, as you can already see from the Scripture and poem we read, we are going to spend some time with the story of the encounter of Mary and Elizabeth when Mary first comes to stay with Elizabeth and Zechariah. Of all the stories I could have chosen for us today, this one felt like the one that was most appropriate for us. It is the tale of two women who are invited into God’s larger story of redemption. While each one will have a different part to play in that larger story, both of their individual stories will be full of great hope and joy as God begins to fulfill the promises He made to his people long ago.
Their stories will also involve great pain and heartache of a kind they cannot even imagine at the moment. But here they are now together, pregnant, experiencing daily changes in their bodies as their sons grow within them, full of hopes and worry for their sons, and expectant of what God will do through these miracle children that they are carrying.
And as they meet for the first time, something truly wonderful happens. The baby John leaps for joy within Elizabeth’s womb, Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit and speaks words of propeshy and praise, demonstrating that she knows who Mary’s son will be, and then Mary is moved to praise the Lord in those beautiful words we have come to know as the Magnificat.
I especially think of what this experience would have been like for Mary. It seems likely that she had not yet shared about her encounter with the Angel Gabriel with anyone. And while we know that she believed what the Angel had told to her and trusted in the Lord, she still must have felt very much alone. But here now was another woman, who by just being in her presence knew what was going on with Mary. I imagine Mary must have had a profound moment of feeling seen, being understood and believed, and knowing that she was not alone or crazy. She had someone who grasped her situation and encouraged her to continue trusting in God’s faithfulness to her. She also had someone who understood what it was like to carry a miracle baby, and was a few months further along, thus able to help Mary know what the months ahead looked like for her. All of this led Mary to praise the Lord.
Now, I don’t know about you, but when I encounter this story, I find in it a beautiful moment of God’s favor, encouragement, joy, hope, faith, worship, and togetherness, and as such, I would now like to spend a few minutes entering into this story and also contemplating together what it means for us women in ministry as we gather together to encourage one another. How do we help each other feel seen and understood as we go about bearing the Good News of Jesus to the world? In what ways do we encourage one other in the hard times, speak words of the Holy Spirit over one another, and inspire mutual joy? How do we grow when we spend time with other women in ministry whose calls look slightly differently than ours or are older or younger? Sit with these questions as you enter into Mary and Elizabeth’s story.
Meditation on Music and Image
Listen to the following song. Spend some time with the image. Ponder the words of the lyrics.
“This is the Time” by Wanda Viola
You can purchase this song here.
As you sit with the following song and images, imagine the interaction between Mary and Elizabeth as they share the wonderful work that God is doing within each one of them. What do you think their time together was like? Also note, are there any words, phrases, impressions, or images that stand out to you? Is there a personal word or invitation that God may have for you?
Image from “The Nativity Story”, 2006
Mary and Elizabeth: We’ve been hoping. We’ve been dreaming. We’ve been praying now for years. God would send us the Messiah. That His coming would be near.
Elizabeth: When God’s angel spoke His message And His promise He declared. That our son would be His prophet. We felt joy beyond compare.
Chorus: This is the time that the Scriptures tell when God will come and with us dwell. Revealing love, to give His Son – Our Lord Immanuel.
Mary: When the Angel stood before me, I was troubled by the sight. He said I would have a baby who would be the Son of God Most High. We’re to name the child Jesus. He’s the One the Father sends. He will be the Lord’s Anointed and His Kingdom will never end. Chorus
Elizabeth: When the angel told my husband that our son would be named John, that God’s Spirit would indwell him when his life in me had just begun. That he’ll turn the hearts of fathers back to love their precious ones. He’ll restore his treasured children to their fathers with the coming Son. Chorus
Mary: Now this child will be given; He will sit on David’s throne. He will carry all our sorrows and for ev’ry sin He will atone. What a miracle we’re part of. For all things are possible with God. He has lifted up the humble. I am honored and I’m filled with awe.
Chorus/Ending: Let your presence fall. Let your word come true. We are waiting Lord for you. Let your Spirit call. Speak to us anew. How we long, O Lord, for you. (repeat)
Quiet Reflection
Now spend some time in quiet reflection on what you have just heard, saw, or read. Here are some questions for you to ponder, as well as another image to reflect upon.
*What word from Mary and Elizabeth’s story may God have for you today?
*Has God ever called you to do something of which you felt unsure or felt overwhelming or impossible? What made you press forward? How did other women in your life help you move forward?
*In this season of Advent, what is bringing you the most hope and joy in your calling? What are you waiting, hoping, dreaming, or praying for from the Lord?
*What is something about your ministry that bring you a sense of honor or awe?
*Is there any new insight from the Lord, reflection, or emotion that this rendition of “The Visitation” by Mike Moyers (on the right) awakens in you?
Group Questions
Now spend some time with your group, reflecting on the following questions.
Is there any insight or reflection from your time hearing the poem, listening to music, contemplating art, or pondering the questions that you would like to share with the group?
While we may not literally be carrying the Son of God in our wombs as Mary did, all of us women in ministry are carrying the Gospel of our Lord near to our hearts. This brings us unique joys, as well as unique burdens and sorrows. As such, we need each other. Spend some time reflecting on your times being together with other women in ministry and share some of your experiences with the group.
What do you do to encourage other women in ministry, especially in difficult times?
How has being with other women of faith helped you to feel seen and understood?
How have you been inspired to live into hope, joy, and faith?
How have you been encouraged or heard the Holy Spirit speaking to you through other women’s words or presence?
How have you been encouraged or have grown in your faith and ministry by spending time with women in ministry with different calls, personalities, and ages?
How can we encourage one another in 2022?