About Rhythms of the Way
Rhythms of the Way is a Website for Seekers and Followers of the Way.
What is the Way? Well, it is a life of seeking and following Jesus, of finding deeper union with him, and being gradually transformed into his likeness. This life is called the Way because this was the term that was used to describe the earliest followers of Jesus who sought to follow the One who himself said he was the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
This life is also called the Way because the Christian life is not a destination, but a journey. We never arrive in this lifetime, but are always seeking to know God more fully, cultivate a deeper relationship with Him, and become more the people whom God has created us to be. Like any journey, it has its ups and downs and its movement forward and backwards.
Ultimately, this Way is a beautiful life, but it is not always an easy one, and thus we need community and rhythms in our life that help us to better love God, to better love neighbor, and to open ourselves up to the loving, transforming presence of God.
Therefore, the purpose of this Website is to help seekers and followers of the Way develop those rhythms for themselves through articles on the Christian journey and spiritual formation, guides to creating a Rule of Life, resources and guides on spiritual practices, interviews and teachings on a wide variety of subjects, and spiritual companionship.
Welcome to the Way! We are so glad that you joined us.
- Rev. Kristen Yates, Associate Pastor for Spiritual Formation &
Congregational Care at The Mission Cincinnati
(Want to know more about me ? Then read here.)
Note: Come back often for new articles, practices, and resources will be added regularly!